Approximately an upward of 2 billion people


1)Alcohol Abuse Addiction

Approximately an upward of 2 billion people globally consume alcoholic drinks. Out of this, about 76 million individuals have alcohol abuse addiction. Whether you are a social drinker or an alcohol-dependent person, excessive alcohol consumption has short-term and long-term implications.

2) Cocaine and Crack Addiction

Cocaine is a drug the world would love to hate. On the one hand, it is helpful for medical purposes, such as loca business l anesthesia for surgical procedures. On the other hand, however, this is a dangerous drug, illegal in many states. The high potential to cause addiction makes white crystal powder dangerous and fatal.

3) Cannabis Use Disorder

Whether you call it weed, marijuana, dope, or cannabis, this is among the commonly abused drugs globally and with high dependence rates. Some studies imply that up to 30% of people who consume cannabis in any form have could have some level of cannabis use disorder. People who have tried to withdraw have experienced various unpleasant symptoms, hence the need to seek assistance from an   to recover.

4)Inhalant Abuse and Addiction

There is no doubt that inhalant drugs are lifesavers for those who require them to survive. Although inhalants are far much less abused drugs when compared to other drugs, they cause addiction too, and the effects can be severe, just like other commonly abused drugs.

If you regularly use an inhalant for extensive periods, you may depend on the drugs. When you realize that you cannot function unless you use your inhaler, it is time to visit an addiction treatment program to help get you back on track.


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